With safety well advised

Optimized processes are the goal of every economical production. For the safety of man and machine, laser protection must never be ignored. We are happy to make our know-how and many years of experience from our activities as a test laboratory for laser protection products available to interested companies and institutes – for a safe laser environment in your production or laboratory.

Our service portfolio in the field of laser protection includes:

– Testing of laser protection products
– Development of laser protection concepts
– Measurement of laser beam parameters
– Assistance with classification of laser systems, risk analyses, hazard assessments and calculations
– Consulting on all aspects of laser safety
– Education and training of laser safety officers (also in-house)
– Further training offers on the topics of laser safety and occupational health and safety



Training and further education offers around the topic of laser safety

Current dates for our openly advertised training and continuing education courses for laser safety officers as well as other events in the field of laser safety can always be found in our event overview. In addition, we offer in-house laser safety training courses tailored to your individual needs – also in English if required.

If you have any questions about laser safety, please contact our laser safety expert:









Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Krauß

Tel.: +49 (0)9131 97790-23

Fax.: +49 (0)9131 97790-11

E-Mail: j.krauss@blz.org